Parish Bible Study Groups
Session 1 Recap
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
While evaluating the results of the parish-wide survey, we saw you expressed an interest in two areas of growth in your faith life. The first is a desire to learn more about the Bible. The second is a longing to learn how to talk about your faith life with family and friends.
In an effort to address these areas, I would like our entire community to undertake a Bible study course entitled, “Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible!” By taking part in this Bible study course, we will accomplish our two goals of growing in our knowledge of the Bible and learning how to share our faith.
This course, which will be streamed online, consists of eight 30-minute talks. After each talk, there are discussion questions for small group sharing. The small groups could be a family unit or an existing Saint Raymond group. There will be new small groups formed solely for this purpose led by Deacon Tom, Deacon John, Lauri Hofstrom, and Fr. Jerome. The schedule is shown to the right >.
To sign up for this course, please visit: and choose the “Unlocking the Bible Study Set” for $24.95. Please order now because it will take about two weeks for the print material to arrive (but you will instantly be given access to the online workbook).
Thank you for your feedback from the parish survey that is allowing us to grow together in Jesus Christ as we Pray, Serve, and Socialize.
God bless,
Fr. Jerome