
Faith Formation

2024-2025 Religious Education Registration Now Open

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Ages 3-7

Every Sunday during the 10:00 am Mass

Before the scripture readings begins the children and volunteers will be called to come forward to be blessed by the celebrant.

The children will process to the assigned space and hear the same scripture readings proclaimed at the Mass. It will be explained at the level they will understand and enjoy it.

The children will return to their family at the Mass as the offertory and Liturgy of the Eucharist begins.

First Reconciliation & First Communion

Grades 1 & 2

2 Year Program, Classes are every Sunday after the 8 am Mass

Year 1 (Pre-Communion) – Class of St. Therese of the Child Jesus
Year 2 (First Communion Preparation) – Class of St. Margaret Mary

As your children’s primary catechists you are responsible for partnering with the RE team and the parish to guide your children’s sacramental preparation.


• Attend Sunday Mass (8 am or 10 am) and classes. (Only 4 valid absences are allowed.)
• Parents – 15 hours ministry to the parish (parish support, parish events or parish projects)
Parents –
Function as assistant catechists or class helpers 3x in any RE class.
• Parents –
VIRTUS Certified and Fingerprinted (Email Ronnica Hagy at for more information.)
• Attend meetings, Sacramental Parent Talks, First Reconciliation Retreat and First Communion Retreat.
• Lead your children to participate in the parish. You are encouraged to attend parish events.
• Attend First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Family should be a registered and active member of the parish.

To Register:

Register at
Pay registration fee
Pay sacramental preparation fee (for Year 2 only)
Submit baptismal certificate
Submit Program Waiver/Consent Form [pdf]
• Submit sacramental form (for Year 2 only)

Dates & Times subject to change. 

Parish Events: BBQ, Social Functions, Giving Tree, Advent Fair, Stations of the Cross, Soup Supper

* If for any reason a child was unable to receive the sacraments at the regular time, please contact

Religion Classes

Grades 3, 4, 5, & 6

Children who have received their First Communion, Classes every Sunday after 8 am Mass

To lead families in their faith journey the Religious Education Program of St. Raymond offers the following Religion Classes:

† 3rd Year of RE – Class of St. Catherine of Siena
† 4th Year of RE – Class of St. Martin de Porres
† 5th Year of RE –
Class of St. Albert the Great
† 6th Year of RE –
Class of St. John Paul II


•  Religiously attend Sunday Mass (8 am or 10 am) and classes. (Only 4 valid absences are allowed.)
•  Family should be a registered and active member of the parish.

To Register:

Register Online at
Pay registration fee
Submit baptismal certificate
Program Waiver/Consent Form [pdf]

Two years of Religion classes after First Communion are a requirement before a student can enroll in the parish two year Confirmation program.

Dates & Times subject to change. 


Grades 7 & 8

2 Year Program, Confirmation Classes every Sunday after 8 am Mass

† Year 1 (Pre-Confirmation) – Class of St. Thomas Aquinas
† Year 2 (Confirmation) – Class of St. Dominic


  • Attended at least 2 years religion classes after First Communion. (If transferring from different parish, provide a certification/letter from their DRE , and please check in with the Faith Formation Director.)

Student Commitment:

•  Religiously attend Sunday Mass (8 am or 10 am)  and Confirmation classes every Sunday after 8 am Mass. (Only 4 valid absences are allowed.)
•  Attend the Youth Group event once a month after 8 am Mass 
Attend Confirmation Retreat (Yr 2)
Attend Advent Reconciliation
Attend Lenten Reconciliation
Nicene Creed Project 
Dominican Saint Project (Yr 2)
Attend Confirmation events
Complete 20 hours Service Project (10 hours at the parish and 10 hours outreach)

As your children’s primary catechists you are responsible for partnering with the RE team and the parish to guide your children’s sacramental preparation.

Parent Commitment: 

•  Family should be a registered and active member of the parish
•  VIRTUS Certified and Fingerprinted (email Ronnica Hagy at for more information.)
5 hours ministry to the parish (parish support, parish events or parish projects)
•  Function as assistant catechists or class helpers 3x for any RE class.
Family Meeting with the pastor.
•  Attend all meetings, Sacramental Parent Talks, Family Formation Talks, and Confirmation events.
•  Encourage your children to participate in parish events.

To Register:

• Register at
Pay registration fee
Pay sacramental fee (for Year 2 only)
Submit baptismal certificate
• Submit First Communion certificate
Submit Program Waiver/Consent Form [pdf]
• Submit sacramental preparation form (Year 2 only)

Dates & Times subject to change. 

Parish events – BBQs, Giving Tree, Advent Fair, Stations of the Cross, Soup Suppers

Youth Group

Middle School and High School

  • Meets periodically for Youth Jam on Sunday after the 8 am Mass and for Youth Nights.

Youth Jam Events

10/8/202311 AM - 2 PMHigh School Event: CONTEMPLATE
10/29/20239 AMYouth Jam: Super Hero Sunday
11/4/20236 PM - 8 PMHigh School NightJeffrey's, Menlo Park
11/19/239 AMYouth Jam: Thanksgiving Party
12/2/23High School Night
12/17/239 AMYouth Night: Advent Party (Service Project)
1/21/249 AMYouth Jam: New Years Party
2/3/24High School NightRound Table Pizza, Menlo Park
2/11/249 AMYouth Jam: Mardi Gras Party
3/1/24Youth Stations of the Cross
3/16/24Youth Paint Night
5/4/24High School NightLulu's or Celia's, Menlo Park
5/19/249 AMYouth Jam: Chips & Dips Party
5/19/2410 AMFlower offering at 10 AM Mass
6/22/24 or 6/30/24Youth Summer Dinner & Movie Night
Dates & Times subject to change.