
Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers

Lectors proclaim the Word of God during Mass. This ministry is for confirmed Catholics in full communion with the Church.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (often referred to “extraordinary minister” or EM) are laypersons who are commissioned by the Church to distribute Holy Communion either during Mass or in bringing it to the sick. This ministry is for confirmed Catholics in full communion with the Church.

Lectors and EMs will receive initial hands-on training which includes both the theology and spirituality of the ministry as well as its practical aspects.

Formation in these ministries is an ongoing process. Annual half-day retreats are held to explore aspects of the spirituality of the ministries, to discuss practical matters and just to continue to build these important communities.

Formal but flexible scheduling enables ministers and parish staff to effectively manage these important ministries. To find out more about potential involvement contact Lauri Hofstrom at