


We are glad to have you participate with us in this expression of the Church’s mission: to live in the love of Christ. We recognize that your participation in our life as a parish may take many forms according to your abilities, interest, and inspiration.

By registering in the parish, you are placed on our mailing list which makes it possible for us to send you schedules for Christmas and Triduum (Holy Week and Easter), communicate with you about significant issues concerning our Church and parish.

You may wish to contribute formally on a regular basis to the work of our parish, by using weekly or monthly envelopes. You can also sign up via the website for e-contributions in which your donation is automatically deducted from your checking/savings account or a credit card at a date of your choosing. It is entirely up to you, and we thank you immensely for your generosity. More importantly, we thank you for choosing to join our family as we walk together on the way of Christ.

Fill out my online form.