Mission & Vison

Our Mission

Saint Raymond Parish is a community united by our Catholic Faith as disciples of Jesus Christ. We seek communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit through ongoing personal and communal conversion to Christ and a deeper commitment to the mission Jesus gives each of us to preach the Gospel. The Sacred Scriptures and sacraments of the Church sustain us. We dedicate ourselves to Truth and strive to grow in love of God and our neighbor through community, prayer, study, and service, as we work by grace to build up in one another and share freely with others the abundance of magnificent gifts God has given us.

Our Vision

St. Raymond Parish is a family. As disciples of Jesus, we are “children of God” and “brothers and sisters in Christ.” Jesus himself says, “Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother” (Matthew 12:50). We welcome all to belong to our Catholic family and to inherit with us in Christ the mission to preach the Gospel!